• Indoor & outdoor play area
  • Sports room for table-tennis & chess
  • Well-trained coaches for sports activities
  • Special training for meritorious sportspersons
  • Well designed activity rooms
  • Educational visits & field trips
  • Socially useful productive work
  • Exposure to the world of theatre, short-film making; photography & various art-forms
  • Nature treks/environment conservation programs
  • “Music helps the mind develop and grow in the most appropriate manner”. This is a very well known fact and people are acknowledging it whole heartedly. Yes, it is true. In modern times relevance and significance of music cannot be ignored in schools. It has become utterly important for all the schools to include music as an integral part of co-curricular activities. This is surely the best way of ensuring learning with great fun for all the children. It also becomes important for kids to focus and get engaged completely to learn music. Learning music involves great amount of dedication because it is something which uses multiple skill sets of an individual.” “Music is also recognized as a science since it functions on exact notations. It is also referred as mathematics since one has to be very well linked with even a fraction of second. Study of music gives knowledge of history, physical education and foreign language along with a stress free life style. It is most importantly an art. It really depends on an individual to modulate and convert the script in the beautiful songs. It is only possible with the help of an emotion and feeling that cannot be measured all along.” “Our school understands the same and encourages all the students to learn music as a significant part of our curriculum. Our expert faculty members of music undertake following sessions:”
  • Vocal Music
  • Instrumental Music:
    We help our students to learn and develop their minds with the help of music. It is surely an intrinsic part of our life and it cannot be separated.

”Dance is a hidden language of the soul” Martha Cnaham

The above line explains significance of dance. We attach due value to dance and ensure best possible training to all our students. We are always available for all the students of DMWA to help them learn various forms. We promote learning of dance as an art form in a more engaging pattern than any other educational institution. The perspective may differ from person to person when it comes to learning dance. We undertake dance training for our students individually so that we can generate genuine interest in their hearts for learning this beautiful activity.

World is full of myriad of dance styles. Our dance teachers come from diversified backgrounds and they not only understand dance but also have performed in many shows across the country and have experience of training many such students who are yet performing at various stages. Being a progressive school, we promote dance as a co-curricular activity to all our students and be persuasive to our students for learning it more aggressively. Our students usually are more inclined towards learning dance under following categories like:

  • Indian Classical
  • Kathak
  • Bharatanatyam
  • Western

”It is in gamesthat many men discover their paradise” –Robert Wilson Lynd

We create Champions. We not only teach our students to play games but also coach them to compete. They compete with each other while practice matches in the school and learn to win over the students of other schools. This also plays an extremely crucial role in boosting energy and confidence level in each student. Health competition gives rise to better result. We promote delivery of results rather than behaving like just another school with game section as a part of co-curricular activities.

“Games lubricate the body and the mind” said Benjamin Franklin and we completely agree with him in this regard. It is all about teaching our students right attitude towards the game along with providing them the best possible training. We make them understand that, an individual game should be won with the help of their own individual efforts to defeat the competitor. We also make it very much clear to them that when it comes to team effort, they have to showcase the perfect mix of strong bonding and dedicated participation to win the game. Our students are well aware that such games can be only won if there is strong bonding among the team members. They take care of the team by sharing the burden, be it’s on the ground or off the ground.”

We have engaged our students in various Indoor and Outdoor games like:

Indoor Games Outdoor Games
Carrom Cricket
Chess Athletics

Arts and crafts for our school kids are real fun and surely one of the reasons for them to be in the school. It becomes very interesting and interacting for students to learn and mold themselves in the best possible way when it comes to learning art and craft. Our faculty members are the experts from the industry who have come out from the finest Art Institutions in India and have several years of experience to back them. We have widest range of art and craft activities for young and dynamic artists, future artisanal book makers and producers, potentials puppeteers, etc.

Our learning methodology is so simple that it not only becomes a beautiful learning experience for the kids but also quite an enjoyable thing for their parents and other family members. We ensure complete satisfaction of our students when it comes to learning any part of our curriculum.

These aren’t just art and crafts activities for kids rather fun for the whole family too. Our selection of art projects for kids, activities, and decoration ideas also provide excellent inspirations for craft ideas for kids. Try some of these activities with your children, and have fun with crafts.

“Drama is what pups life interesting & prevents it from being club.

The term drama and its meaning are mistaken several times. Dramatics is an art of learning the way to present one’s emotions, acts and play to others. Drama training can help you become anyone, anywhere at any point of time. Dramatics play often helps to capture the essence of culture or the community/group within that culture. It really provides an opportunity to our students to hone their improvisation skills. These skills are nothing but immediate response to unexpected and new situations that may occur at any point of time. In dramatics our students learn to tackle this situation in a more managed way. We teach them that Life is all about improvisation.

Our experts help our students to get engaged and learn the essence of drama. They are expected to create plays. We really don’t expect our students to have prior knowledge of drama but we really appreciate their involvement to learn and expect each student to participate. These dramas are often on the stage and sometimes it can be at back stage as well. This also helps students to become more confident since they have to perform in front of the audience.

Dramatics also helps in learning team work. Most of the time role play activity is considered to be a subject of team effort. This helps our students to improve their relations among the group. It also improvises the communication skills of our students by giving them chance to make more friends in our campus. It is all about sharing and learning.

We encourage our talented students to participate in external competitive examinations. One of the most prestigious examinations is ‘Dr.HomiBhabha Young Scientist Exam’ which is also important for our students to participate. It is held for both the groupsi.e Jr. and Sr. level. Junior Level comprises of students till 6th standard and Sr. level has the participants from 7th to 9th standard. The enrollments are only via schools and not many of the schools enjoy the freedom and benefit of participating in these kinds of initiatives.

These exams are held at 3 stages like:

  • Written test (MCQ type)
  • Experimental Test
  • Viva (including a project report)

The best part of this exam is that there is not a set syllabus to the same. One should have knowledge of syllabus of a higher standard. He should have rational thinking and should have good general knowledge of his or her surroundings. This test includes 100 marks written and 30 marks for experimental test along with the project report submission.

It is designed to bring students who are lagging behind up to the level of achievements realized by their peers. Remedial teaching involves:

  • Individual counseling (also in small groups)
  • Working systematically: observing, diagnosing, remedy, evaluation
  • Working purposefully and intensively with a pupil or pupils
  • Custom-made help following from a request for help
  • Acquiring skills in order to deal with learning problems/disorders
  • Providing information to the child and the persons involved

The main objectives of conducting Remedial Teaching are:

  • To help students in regular schools to cope with the prescribed school curriculum
  • To help students develop study skills
  • To train students in organizational skills
  • To provide training in test-taking skills
  • To give one-on-one intensive instruction in Language Skills and Mathematics
  • To improve the academic performance of students with learning difficulties
  • To widen the horizons of students who are gifted and talented, by conducting periodic workshops on creativity and analytical thinking

Our school has promoted the group learning concept rather than focusing much on individual basis learning. We understand the importance of learning in a group which is based on sharing of ideas, concepts and materials etc. Our expert team understands it very well that it is a concept of learning. This is a group activity which needs to be properly planned and it also requires frequent facilitator to ensure group progress.

Additionally the group function and learning which take place both are assessed and evaluated by the expert team. The ultimate method of learning is a proven method of achieving a common goal to learn and win. Every facilitator has to ensure that the individual and group learning is done to achieve the end result.

Group learning allows and helps our students to develop various skills like problem solving, interpersonal, intrapersonal, presentational and communicational skills. All these skills benefit the entire group as a whole. The generic skills are difficult to learn while being along but being in a group one can immediately get the feedback and increase the interaction among the peers

It is another close concept to the group learning. Peer Learning is focused approach towards learning and getting educated on variety of issues. It is the peer who understands the other person very closely and discusses in detail about various aspects linked to an individual. Peer group is nothing but the people from same age group, background, culture, social status, etc who come together to help each other in learning and solving the issues.

The importance behind the peer learning is that the peers can be trusted completely. They are also recognized as the credible sources of information when it comes to believe in the data shared among the peers. They always share similar experience in the society with similar status on social norms and due to this they are always placed to provide the relevant, meaningful and honest information among the group members.

A well-considered peer education initiative can offer a wide range of benefits to pupils, peer educators, teachers and the school as a whole. The benefits for peer educators are widely recognized and can include positive changes in terms of knowledge, skills, attitudes and confidence. Peer education has a strong emphasis on personal development and can be particularly effective in allowing low achieving pupils to fully participate and succeed in a wider range of educational and health promoting activities.

School Counsellors provide appropriate psychological services to students that address educational, social, emotional and behavioral needs, either individually or in groups, working collaboratively with families and school authorities.

How can a School Counsellor help?
Counsellors have a range of skills that enable them to assist students, parents and teachers with issues that can affect the student’s educational progress and adjustment including, for example:

  • learning difficulties
  • behaviour management
  • special education services
  • social skills
  • family relationships
  • grief and loss
  • personal development
  • study skills
  • secondary subject choice and career advice
  • gifted and talented students

This may be achieved by:

  • psychoeducational assessment and recommendations for support
  • counselling (individual and group)
  • referrals and liaison with other professionals
  • in-servicing and consulting with school staff
  • parent liaison
  • parent awareness programs
  • confidential discussions

Childhood is the primary stage of life. It knows no worry or anxiety, no good or evil. It is the period of both ignorance and innocence. Like all parents and all concerned adults, it is an earnest endeavor of all of us at MKVVIV to keep children safe from any kind of abuse. Within our different areas of responsibility, guided by policy, legislation and experience, we take steps to provide what is best for children.

One important step in this regard can be equipping and empowering children at the right age. Ministry of Women and Child Development, Government of India had commissioned a short animated film (Komal) which has also won the national film award in the category of “best educational film” to create awareness among school children about inappropriate touch.

In conformity to guidelines of CBSE, we at MKVVIV expect that parents along with their children should view this instructive and informative film so that they are in a better position to help and protect not just themselves but also their friends in any such situation, if occurs.