Our Vision

Choosing a school is one of the most important decisions you, as a parent make for your child. If parents value school education, and are involved from the early years of school, then it is more likely that this will rub off onto your children.

At MKVVIV a condusive environment is provided where children can develop knowledge and skills, where academic endeavor is encouraged and acknowledged, where creativity is nurtured and value such as respect, honesty and kindness are seen as important.

Development of the child as a whole person is where we step in. An understanding of right and wrong and a sense of community and service are valued as high on the agenda and inculcated from these tender years Parents. see their children happy and confident, A measure of success for school is young people achieving the goals that they set and being able to follow a pathway that interests and motivates them.

The ‘MKVVIV’ teaching team has a ‘collective responsibility’ approach to students’ well being and learning. Learning programs are differentiated, increasingly globalised and technology rich. Students are encouraged and supported to develop amicable and constructive relationship with others. Thus effective interpersonal skills and conflict resolution strategies are developed. Students showcase futuristic responsibility by developing respect for the environment and its conservation. They develop a sense of themselves as members of a global Community. An instinct for their continuous learning motivates them to develop expectations of high personal achievement and success.

MKVVIV enjoys a strong sense of community and value community participation in the education of our students. At MKVVIV, the staff understands the responsibility to educate the students to become learners for life, to develop an ability to adapt to change, to know which skills are their strengths and which skills they need to improve and to be optimistic and confident. The school has a well-earned reputation for creating a caring environment in which each student is valued as an individual. We aim to educate our students in the skills of being a positive member of society, being literate and numerate and having the ability to form positive and lasting relationships.
